Saturday, February 19, 2011

Items of Interest

Just a few random updates I thought I'd share (since I've lapsed back into being a lousy blogger lately):
  • If you're coming to the M11 Conference in Louisville, Kentucky next Monday-Wednesday, be sure to drop in to Brent Peterson's session on "Worship and the Sacraments" on Tuesday 2/22 at 2pm (session 2 in room 218). I'll be the guy (or one of the guys?) sporting a bowtie and will look forward to connecting with some liturgical/sacramental Nazarene friends after Brent's session.
  • I'd also like to have some extended conversation over dinner Tuesday evening (venue TBC) - our own informal "learning conversation" as it were. One thing I would like to discuss with those present is trying to put some flesh to the idea of some kind of retreat/gathering/conference/symposium. If sufficient interest is there, we'll start planning for 2012.
  • If you haven't checked out the Nazarene Liturgy Project yet, go get registered now. Once you've done so, vote on what domain we should register for the project in the poll on the right hand side of the page.  Some of you know that we had a go at this a couple of years ago using a wordpress blog, but it just didn't get much traction, so thanks to Michael Scarlett and others for resurrecting the effort.
  • New to the "Honor Roll" - Catalyst: A Church of the Nazarene is a new start church pastored by Jonathan Sprang and Levi Lowry, both Trevecca pals of mine. Catalyst is a decidedly contemporary in how they worship and "do church," and yet they value the Christian calendar and follow the RCL from Advent to Pentecost.
  • Check out Jonathan "CatchyLecty" blog, which I added to the blogroll and "resources" page, for lectionary based resources for contemporary worship.
  • I've been collaborating with Heather Daugherty who directs Trevecca's Center for Worship Arts on a Trevecca Worship blog and their forthcoming certificate program in worship arts. You'll want to keep an eye on the Center as it develops, especially as they put on great events like this one.
Peace to you. ~b


EF + said...

Thanks for the update. I will not be able to attend M11 this year. We are expecting a new baby any day now and are wicked busy at home. At church we are in the middle of a huge remodel project that is taking a large part of my time as well.

I would like very much to see a retreat materialize and would be willing to help out with its organization if it would helpful. I wonder what the possibility of regional "retreats" might be. Doing a national thing my be tough for some, but if there is enough interest more regionalized events might be something to think about in the future.


EF + said...

I can't believe beat to a discussion of Brent's session.

Brannon Hancock said...

Eric: ha! yeah...been off the computer for the most part and didn't return from M11 until today. Is it a good discussion over there? I tend to steer clear of much of the fray at NazNet - it feels like such a large, sprawling community and conversation that I get a bit agoraphobic.